Pollinator News 2022

Devastating News About Monarch Butterflies

As of today 7-21-22 comes Devastating News About Monarch Butterflies. We thought we were seeing a bounce back, but now the monarch is on the red list.

Devastating News About Monarch Butterflies
Devastating News About Monarch Butterflies

Since my last post about Monarch Butterflies, new numbers have come out showing a seventy-two percent decline in Monarch Butterfly numbers. We are thinking that our current climate crisis plays a big part in their decline.

Nick Haddad, Michigan State University biologist states that he can see how quickly the Monarch Butterfly could become extinct. Monarch Butterflies spend winters in the mountains of Central America and make a long migration journey to North America for breeding and laying of eggs.

I don’t know about you, but I haven’t seen their migration at all in the last three years. I do however remember the last time I saw the Monarch’s going south, and that was 2019. That was the last time I saw Monarch’s migrating, which by the way was something I looked forward to seeing every year.

Now the Monarchs need help from Humans. Here are a few things we can do.


Providing habitat for the Monarch Butterfly to lay their eggs on is a great start. Milkweed is the plant on which the Monarch Butterfly lays her eggs.

Therefore, planting Milkweed in your landscape would help. Another important thing we all could do to help the Monarch and other pollinators is to stop spraying insecticides to kill mosquitos. Even if they say it’s natural, it still kills any pollinator that touches it.


Donating to Bee For Life Foundation is another way to help, not only Monarch Butterflies but other pollinators as well. We would use your donations to Educate the public about the decline causes and other concerns of our pollinators, as well as building and maintaining Sanctuaries and Organic Gardens for all pollinators.

This year, one of our plans is to plant as many Milkweed plants as possible. With your help we can help all pollinators together! Please donate often, and thanks for your help with this mission.

Pollinator News 2022

Urban Area Bee Decline

A frequently asked question we have received the last three years is, “Where are all the bees!” We will go over the Urban Area Bee Decline.

Written by: Bee For Life Foundation

Urban Area Bee Decline
Urban Area Bee Decline

It’s not just Honey Bees that are missing from urban gardens, sightings of Bumblebees, Sweat Bees and Butterflies have been down Nation-wide.

Noticeably, urban beekeepers have been losing strong colonies at a alarming rate. The question is why, what is going on, is it climate change or something more ominous.

Urban Area Bee Decline
Urban Area Bee Decline

The ecosystem we rely on, also relies on pollinators to keep it productive. Bees and other flying insects are responsible for making food for humans, but animals and bird alike.

Dr. Gouldson’s paper shows a seventy five percent decline of flying insect populations in Europe. Yet, it is not just a European phenomenon, pollinators have been disappearing Worldwide and will have devastating effects on our environment and food supply.

Well, here is a major reason for the outrageous pollinator loses. No, mosquitos are not killing the other pollinators, but Man is killing the mosquitos.

An all out attack is under way to delete mosquitos from urban areas. Not only do municipalities spray pollinator hazardous chemicals, now they have private mosquito killing companies spraying what they claim is all natural mosquito killing spray.

So, what’s in this magic, all natural bug killing substance. It is a mix of vegetable oil and essential oils, on of which is lemon grass.

Beekeepers use lemon grass oil to attract bees so that spray is designed to attract pollinators. Also in the mix is permethrin, a synthetic pesticide used to kill insects that touch it.

Worse of all, these private mosquito sprayers are spraying this stuff on open flowers and do not inform area beekeepers of the spraying, which is a federal violation. Permethrin is known to cause colony collapse.

Planting For Pollinators

Devil’s Claw Many Benefits

Considered a weed and despised by Farmers and Ranchers. Learn more about Devil’s Claw Many Benefits.

Written by

Bee For Life Foundation


Devil's Claw Many Benefits
Devil’s Claw Many Benefits

Devil’s Claw, otherwise known as Unicorn plant, Boot catcher, Devil’s horn, Hoof hooker and Ram’s horn has the scientific name Proboscidea parviflora.

This plant has large spade like leaves and thick stems that quickly suck up moisture and holds it to keep the plant hydrated during the long hot summer months.

Devil's Claw Many Benefits
Devil’s Claw Many Benefits

Being a Native plant to the south west it provides a source of protein and carbs for Honey bees and Native bees. Devil’s claw blooms just in time to help pollinators in the summer dearth (a time of no blooms or limited blooms).

Furthermore, Wild Turkey, Deer and sheep will graze the young flower heads when fresh grazing is not available. Devil’s claw is resilient and will produce more heads after grazing.

Devil's Claw Many Benefits
Devil’s Claw Many Benefits

It’s trumpet like flower has a runway for bees to follow to the flowers sexual organ, aiding pollination.

Young, tender seed pods are edible for humans akin to Okra, just a bit more bitter. Wash your pods with water and boil for 2 minutes. After boiling you can saute them in butter for a wild treat. Seed from the wooden seed pod can be ground and used as flour or flour additive.


Tubers and roots are dried and ground for use in many over the counter dietary supplements. Some say that Devils Claw has helped with migraine headaches, back pain, gout, arthritis and chest pain to name a few.

Remember, when it comes to wild foods do your own research and always consult your Doctor.

This post is for educational purposes only.


Planting For Pollinators

Crepe Myrtles For Bees

One of our most liked summer flowering tree is the Crepe Myrtle. Looking  to incorporate Crepe Myrtles For Bees in your landscape?

Crepe Myrtles For Bees
Crepe Myrtles For Bees

Lagerstroemia, named after Magnus von Lagerström. Better known as the Crepe Myrtle, a beautiful summertime bloomer that attracts many pollinators. In the South this tree provides nectar and pollen at a time when nothing else is in bloom.

We call this the Summer Dearth (a scarcity). Many insect pollinators would starve this time of year without flowering plants or gas station trashcans.

Crepe Myrtles For Bees

One way a non beekeeper can recognize a dearth is when hundreds of honey bees converge on gas station and home trashcans. Pollinators are looking for simple carbs and there are no plants blooming.

Anyway, Crepe Myrtles bloom from early summer to the first frost which fills the nectar gap in our local plant species. A great choice for anyone wanting a pollinator landscape.

Crepe Myrtles For Bees
Crepe Myrtles For Bees

Not a native plant to America, Crepe Myrtle are native to parts of Oceania, northern Australia, southeast Asia and India. Found in Southern United State in municipalities landscapes.

Crepe Myrtles come in many different colors and are tolerant of most soil types. Crape Myrtles prefer full sunlight, but can handle some shade.

Crepe Myrtles For Bees

Although Crepe Myrtles are champions of the South’s brutal summers, The great Texas freeze killed quite a few exposed trees. Including Crepe Myrtles.

There is a lot of misinformation on the net about bees only working the White Crepe Myrtle. Simply not true, I have personally seen all sorts of bees sucking the flowers dry on all colors of Crepe Myrtles.

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Image by huey3800 from Pixabay

Quick tips for Crepe Myrtle care. They don’t need much, just some fish emulsion once a month. that’ll get em growing fast. Also, cut the suckers off. To continue the bloom just cut the seed heads off.

Pollinator News 2022

Monarch Butterfly Bounce Back

From the brink of disaster, the Monarch Butterfly Bounce Back.


Monarch Butterfly Bounce Back
Monarch Butterfly Bounce Back

In the 1990 the U.S. fish and wildlife service stated nearly a billon Monarch Butterflies disappeared from their overwintering areas. Scientists also recorded decreasing winter populations.

These Scientists alarmed by the data, warned of a massive Monarch die off. Yet, recent studies have shown otherwise and even the Monarchs stable summer populations for the last 25 years.

Monarch Butterfly Bounce Back
Monarch Butterfly Bounce Back

A major help is our landscape, Monarch habitat is akin to the area’s in which humans live. Planting your landscape with the pollinators in mind goes a long way.

In fact some areas of the United States host Monarch Butterflies year round. Monarchs do not necessarily have to migrate to Mexico.

Simply planting Milkweed in your landscape will provide the perfect place for the Monarch to lay her eggs. Monarch caterpillars feed exclusively on Milkweed leaves.

Warning, those guys that come around spraying your landscape for mosquitos are poisoning not only honey bees but the Monarch also. I’ll probably get some flak for that statement, but OH WELL!

Monarch Butterflies nectar on all sorts of flowers. Therefore almost any summer flowering  plant will feed the Monarch. Yet, Milkweed is the only plant that the Monarch will lay her eggs on, so keeping Milkweed in your landscape ensures Monarchs will continue to come to your house.

If you need more info about Milkweed or what types to buy get ahold of us. Bee For Life Foundation is a 501c3 and as soon as we get the donate page up you can make your Tax deductible charitable donation to help us with our mission.


Pollinator News 2022

Surviving Bee Attacks

Austin man dies of heart attack after being covered by bees. This article will help you with Surviving Bee Attacks!

Donate here.
Surviving Bee Attacks
Surviving Bee Attacks

Franco Galvan Martinez, a landscape lighting tech was harnessed in a tree, when he disturbed a hive of bees. In his panic he kicked his ladder out of the way and couldn’t escape.

This is a sad story that should have never happened.

Surviving Bee Attacks
Surviving Bee Attacks

Things everyone should know.

Being in the Bee Removal Business for twenty years, we have heard a lot about these types of situations. So, the first thing is to pay attention to your surroundings.

Contractors, landscapers and anyone that works out of doors should always look for bees before starting work. Yes, it take a bit of time, but is well worth it.

If you see bees flying in a straight line into a tree or other structure, this is a sign that a colony lives there. Bees do not attack for no reason, if the bees think they are under attack they will protect their nest, just like a mother bear.

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Surviving Bee Attacks

Property owners if you know you have bees in your tree or in other structures you should have them properly removed. Waiting until they sting someone is, way to late.

Renters, if the property you are renting has bees either in the structure or landscape call your landlord right away. Making sure the property management knows will release you from any negligent claims in case someone gets hurt.

Surviving Bee Attacks
Copyright Bee For Life Foundation

When you get stung the best thing to do is to get away from there, if being chassed by bees run and take cover inside of a building or vehicle.

Never attempt to remove bees yourself, Never, ever, spray the hive with anything, including water.

Doing these two things is a sure fire way to your a$$ tore up.

Pollinator News 2022

Native Pollinator Decline Causes

Latest in pollinator declines Native Pollinator Decline Causes by Bee For Life Foundation


It’s all over the news, if you’re paying attention, native and invasive bees are dying out. California courts ruled to protect four native bee species to try to curb their declines.

Seven other native bees were added to Endangered species list. The Anthricinan yellow-faced bee along with six other Hawaiian Hylaeus species.

Native Pollinator Decline Causes
Hylaeus spp. Photo by Steve Buchanan

Another native bee species on the United States Endangered Species List is the Rusty Patched Bumblebee. But why are these native bee and Honey Bee populations tumbling?

Urbanization of our rural areas, mono culture farming, and climate change are all part of the declines. Yet, in my opinion it’s the all out attack against the mosquito.

Native Pollinator Decline Causes
Native Pollinator Decline Causes

Yep, the Mosquito has struck fear in the hearts of Americans. So much that we are willing to wipe out all pollinators so we can hang out in our backyards at dusk.

Mosquitos are pollinators, both male and female. Only the female feeds on blood when she is ready to lay eggs. Which by the way, are dropped into water by the thousands, of which fish eat most.

Native Pollinator Decline Causes
Native Pollinator Decline Causes

What pest control does not know, or maybe they do, is that the spray they use is formulated to attract pollinators, all of them.

Essential oils used to con the mosquitos to the poison also calls other flying pollinators to their deaths. Yes, I’m speaking about those dudes that spray peoples yards and open flowers with permethrin

Permethrin means certain death to all insects that touch it.

Help us protect all pollinators!