About / Bee For Life Foundation

Who is Bee For Life Foundation, What are we all About?


Way back in 2000 we started keeping bees as a hobby in the Abilene metro area. As time grinded on, we became passionate about feral Honey Bees and Native Bees.

Word started getting out that we were Beekeepers and folks began to call when they had a bee problem. That’s when we created IRescueBees, to better serve people in crisis.

About / Have you seen this trailer?

Over the years we’ve trained our children in the art of rescuing stinging insects, a family business for sure. 21 years saving our pollinators.

Well, this year 2022 we formed Bee For Life Foundation, a nonprofit corporation 501c3. This way we can better serve the community and offer services that are totally tax deductible.


Rescuing bees cost money, sorry to say. And like other things, we can’t remove bees for free.

But, if we had the funds, we could. If you want to help the elderly and disabled get their bees removed, then feel free to DONATE, Currently with equipment, wages, tools and fuel it cost $500.00 per removal therefore when donations add up to $500.00 we can do a free removal for the elderly, disabled and others in need.

You can also make donations that will help us to develop natural habitats for the pollinators, sanctuaries and gardens that they need to survive and thrive. In turn, this will make our environment a more beautiful and sustainable place to live!

Bet you’ve never seen a Bumblebee nest

Currently we have 4 State Registered Sanctuaries, 2 in Callahan County, 1 in Jones and 1 in Taylor County Tx. These Sanctuaries are where we home the Feral Honey Bees and Bumblebees we rescue.

We do not push the bees we rescue to produce honey, if they do that’s fine, If not, no worries. We are dedicated to keeping those bees working in their local environment so your gardens will have fruit as well as protecting them from extermination, a cause of pollinator declines, in my opinion.

No Bees, No Flowers either

Our dedication is for Bees and all pollinators, including Moths, Hummingbirds, Butterflies, and many more. 

Speaking of Butterflies, Monarch butterflies populations are on the come back, except we have not seen any around here. We are also looking for a land donation to Bee For Life Foundation to start one of our many planned pollinator gardens we plan to create. And as always, your donation will be completely tax deductible for you!


We have quite an extensive bee removal service area. Take a look at our Service Area here.

During the Winter we are available for public speaking about our pollinators as well as other fund raising events. But please give us at least a forty-five day notice so we can prepare. Thank you so much for taking the time to invest in our mission. Help us ensure that our pollinators have what they need to do their jobs.

Oh, don’t forget to ask for our raw natural honey

Please take the time to read our Purpose Statement.


Bee For Life Foundation DBA IRescueBees


(325) 201-8237

Abilene TX   Buffalo Gap TX   Coleman TX   Lubbock TX     Midland TX  Santa Anna TX  Tuscola TX    Winters TX