Bee Removal Midland TX.

Got bees living with you? Bee For Life Foundation is here for your Bee Removal Midland TX needs.

Bee For Life Foundation

for bee removal midland tx, call (325) 201-8237
Bee Removal MIdland TX.
(325) 201-8237

Bee removal fee for service is $1,500 and is a charitable tax deductible donation.

Hi, my name is Ben, founder of Bee For Life Foundation. We are State Registered Beekeepers and have over ten years of Honey bee and Bumblebee removal and relocation experience.

Currently we have four Pollinator sanctuaries where we re-home wayward bees. We don’t push rescued bees to make honey, if they do or don’t that is fine, our goal is to keep these pollinators working in our Texas ecosystem and protecting them from extermination.

Bee Removal MIdland TX.
Bee Removal Midland TX.

We use thermal imaging to locate their nest, mitigating unnecessary repairs. Once the nest is located, we open the cavity and remove it’s contents, including the Queen, workers, comb and honey.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to serving Midland’s community.


Bee Removal MIdland TX.

For Bee Removal Midland TX  call (325) 201-8237

Recently, two dogs in Midland were stung over one thousand times and their owner fifty times. The news outlets jumped on the killer bee band wagon and pushed the hype.

Well, it turned out after all the false reporting that the bees that attacked were actually common Honey bees. Most of the time, common honey bees, as well as killer bees, attack for a reason. Mostly, when they feel threatened, they aggressively protect their nest.

Midland Tx Bee Removal
Less than one year old

So, here are a few guidelines to keep you, your family and your neighborhood safe. Do not try to remove bees yourself. Do not spray bees with anything, doing so will only cause the bees to become defensive, endangering yourself and others.

Saving our pollinators should be the practice, instead of extermination.

Always call a State Registered Apiarist for all your feral honey bee concerns.