Bee Removal Coleman TX


Welcome to Bee for Life Foundation Bee Removal Coleman TX page.

Bee Removal Coleman TX

Call (325) 201-8237
For all your Bee Removal Coleman TX needs. We have been rescuing bees in the Big Country for over ten years.

Formerly known as IRescueBees, we have changed our name to Bee For Life Foundation and organized as a 501c3 to better serve the community. This means that all bee removal fees are now a charitable tax-deductible donation for you.

Using thermal imaging, we locate the nest and open the cavity to remove the hive. We remove the queen, the workers and also the comb. We then relocate the bees to apiaries where they can do their important job of pollination, living in a suitable environment instead of your house! Feral bees like to inhabit many other places and structures on your property and we can help with that too.

Bee Removal Coleman TX
Bees in a carriage

We also can help with bumblebees and aggressive bees which take some extra care. Always use caution when dealing with Feral hives and other stinging insects.

Here are a few tips to help keep you safe:

• Never spray bees with anything. Doing so will only trigger the bees protection instinct, putting yourself and others in danger.

• Never attempt to seal the bees in. They will find a way out and most of the time, their way out is into your house.

• When you first discover you have a hive, call us to schedule a bee removal appointment. If you have close neighbors, inform them of the removal ahead of time, so they can protect their children and pets.

Why remove and relocate instead of exterminate?

Please remember that honey bees and other pollinators are such an essential part of our ecosystem, contributing greatly to our food supply. Their decline is still an area of concern. A big factor in the decline of wild honey bees is habitat loss, disease, and extermination with pesticides. We at Bee For Life Foundation have great concern for these wonderful pollinators and have made it our mission to find solutions to save them, so they can continue to do their jobs for us. When you have bees removed and relocated, you can feel great that you are doing your part to help the bee population grow.

We have an extensive service area, so please take a look at our service area page to see how we can serve you.