Bee Removal Santa Anna TX.

Welcome to Bee For Life Foundation. Call us for all your Bee Removal Santa Anna TX needs.

(325) 201-8237

Bee Removal Santa Anna TX

What we do

Our Honey Bee Rescue Team has over 10 years experience rescuing bees. Using thermal imaging, we locate the nest thereby mitigating unnecessary repairs. After we expose the nest, we capture the queen and workers and remove all the comb.

We take the bees and their comb to one of our apiaries and set them up in their new home, so they can continue their important work of  benefitting our local ecosystem.

Not only do we rescue honey bees, but bumble bees too.

Bee Removal Santa Anna TX.

Bet you’ve never seen a bumble nest. Here is what they look like, quite interesting indeed.

Bee Removal Santa Anna TX.
A huge bumble bee nest
Bee Removal and Relocation vs Exterminating bees

Yes, it can be alarming when you discover bees on your property in an unwanted place. Especially if they are aggressive or entering into your walls or soffit. Your first thought might be to call an exterminator to get rid of them. However, exterminating bees can have many repercussions such as contaminating your dwelling and landscape with toxins to which your children and pets can be exposed.

Also, the dead bees and rotting comb left behind in your wall will begin to stink and can cause damage. The honey left behind will only attract more varmints.

Another thing to consider is how important bees are to our environment. They are an indispensable part of our food supply, being responsible for pollinating 80% of flowering plants. A large portion of these are fruits, nuts and vegetables. In addition to their role in pollinating agricultural products, honey bee activity is also responsible for producing food for much of our wildlife.

When you consider all that the honey bees do for our ecosystem, it’s easy to see why saving the bees instead of exterminating them, is a conscionable choice. Honestly, think about it, bees make life possible on this marvelous garden planet on which we live. Why would we want to exterminate such a wonderous creation?

Call us immediately and we’ll save the bees.

(325) 201-8237


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