Pollinator News 2022

Devastating News About Monarch Butterflies

As of today 7-21-22 comes Devastating News About Monarch Butterflies. We thought we were seeing a bounce back, but now the monarch is on the red list.

Devastating News About Monarch Butterflies
Devastating News About Monarch Butterflies

Since my last post about Monarch Butterflies, new numbers have come out showing a seventy-two percent decline in Monarch Butterfly numbers. We are thinking that our current climate crisis plays a big part in their decline.

Nick Haddad, Michigan State University biologist states that he can see how quickly the Monarch Butterfly could become extinct. Monarch Butterflies spend winters in the mountains of Central America and make a long migration journey to North America for breeding and laying of eggs.

I don’t know about you, but I haven’t seen their migration at all in the last three years. I do however remember the last time I saw the Monarch’s going south, and that was 2019. That was the last time I saw Monarch’s migrating, which by the way was something I looked forward to seeing every year.

Now the Monarchs need help from Humans. Here are a few things we can do.


Providing habitat for the Monarch Butterfly to lay their eggs on is a great start. Milkweed is the plant on which the Monarch Butterfly lays her eggs.

Therefore, planting Milkweed in your landscape would help. Another important thing we all could do to help the Monarch and other pollinators is to stop spraying insecticides to kill mosquitos. Even if they say it’s natural, it still kills any pollinator that touches it.


Donating to Bee For Life Foundation is another way to help, not only Monarch Butterflies but other pollinators as well. We would use your donations to Educate the public about the decline causes and other concerns of our pollinators, as well as building and maintaining Sanctuaries and Organic Gardens for all pollinators.

This year, one of our plans is to plant as many Milkweed plants as possible. With your help we can help all pollinators together! Please donate often, and thanks for your help with this mission.