Fruit Tree Planting Project

A great way to save our pollinators and combat climate chaos is planting trees. We at Bee For Life Foundation have started our Fruit Tree Planting Project.

Fruit Tree Planting Project
Fruit Tree Planting Project

For a $10 donation we will plant one seedling fruit tree.

Fruit trees are important to our local pollinators. Fruit tree blooms provide nectar and pollen for a strong build up to the main nectar flow.

They are the first trees to push out blooms after a long winter rest. Adding nutritional boost to many pollinating insects. Oh, don’t forget the fruit is great for us Humans also.

Fruit Tree Planting Project
Fruit Tree Planting Project

The fruit tree seedlings we will plant are the Lovell Peach and the Old Home Pear.

Old Home Pear

Illinois is where the first Old Home Pear tree was found and in 1911 cuttings were taken from this tree to be propagated for commercial pear growing operations across the United States.

Old Home Pear was found to be Fire Blight resistant and did not suffer from Pear Decline. Most of Texas is prone to fire blight infections of pear trees.

A destructive disease of Pears causing death of young pear trees, older pear trees can handle the infect for several years showing continuous die back.

 Lovell Peach

Lovell used to be grown as a canning and drying peach, way back when. Yet, is currently used as a rootstock for other peach varieties.

Lovell can handle most soil types but prefers sandy loam and drainage. We have a couple of Lovells growing right now and the fruit is tasty.

Best part of all is if you want a different fruit variety you can just bud or graft the fruit you want onto them.


For a Donation of $10.00 we will plant one fruit tree seedling and the seedlings will be cared for until established. The fruit trees will either be an Old Home Pear or Lovell Peach seedling, which ever is available.

Sponsor a Fruit tree Here