Anson Tx Bee Removal

Welcome, Bee For Life Foundation is here for all your Anson Tx Bee Removal needs. Call us today!

Bee For Life Foundation / IRescueBees

(325) 201-8237

Fees for services are a charitable tax deductible donation.

Anson Tx Bee Removal
Anson Tx Bee Removal

We have twenty years of experience removing and relocating feral Honey Bees in West Texas and we are registered with the State of Texas as Apiarists. All Feral Honey Bees and Bumblebees will be relocated to one of our four pollinator sanctuaries.

This is not a free service, we have overhead. Yet, your payment for service is considered a Tax Deductible Donation when you use us.

Anson Tx Bee Removal
Anson Tx Bee Removal

Honey Bees and Bumblebees are in dire straights during this insane heat wave and drought this year (2022). Actually, we have noticed a sharp decline of Feral Honey Bees in the Big Country for the last three years.

Colonies that we have rescued we have notice quite a few with a spotty brood pattern (ununiformed egg laying of the Queen). Also, stored honey is lacking and the populations are considerably lower.

Anson Tx Bee Removal
Anson Tx Bee Removal

Not much effort is put into studying Feral Honey Bee populations or their health for that matter. Yet, we can come up with two main causes of Honey Bee declines, Feral and managed.

This long heat and drought take it’s toll on all pollinators, Honey Bees especially. Honey Bees need to keep their nest at 100 degrees for proper larva development.

When ambient temperatures reach 100 degrees workers of the colony stop collecting nectar and pollen and collect water instead. This water is sprayed by the Bees into the have and fanned to create a mini swamp cooler so the brood can survive.

Even if you don’t have wayward bees living with you, you can still help.


Your donation could save the world!