Odessa Tx Bee Removal

Well here you are again, still have bees? You need to call us for all your Odessa Tx Bee Removal needs!

Bee For Life Foundation

(325) 201-8237

Live Bee Removal starts at $1500 and is a charitable tax deductible donation.

We also have Raw Honey

 Odessa Tx Bee Removal
Odessa Tx Bee Removal Silverado Sage

I have noticed while driving through the area lots and lots of Silverado sage in City plantings. This great, not just for the bees but other pollinators as well.

Honey bees in the local ecosystem is beneficial, but not in your house. When the bees do move in with you we can get them out alive.

Odessa Tx Bee Removal
Odessa Tx Bee Removal

Having twenty years of bee removal experience, you can count on us to get it right the first time. We use thermal imaging to locate the bees nest then open the cavity.

The Queen and most of the workers are caught and put into a cage for everyone’s safety as well as the bees. Furthermore, if we have access all the comb including the brood are removed and transported to our closest sanctuary.

Odessa Tx Bee Removal
Odessa Tx Bee Removal

Something you should keep in mind is that not all bee removal companies actually save the bees. In fact most are just exterminators in disguise.

Read this link

Here are a couple of tips that will keep you and your family safe.

A swarm of bees are not much of a danger unless they feel threatened. Never spray a swarm with anything and for that matter never spray a colony of bees either.

Doing so will only get you and the neighbors hurt.

Only use a State registered Beekeeper (Apiarist) for all your bee related issues. This is also the State of Texas recommendation.

Odessa Tx Bee Removal
This is what a swarm looks like.

If you have any questions please feel free to call.

Chuckwagon Bees