Bee Removal Lubbock Tx

Welcome to our website, we are here for all your Lubbock Tx Bee Removal needs, call us today.

Bee For Life Foundation / IRescueBees
Call (325) 201-8237

Fund raising cutouts start at $1,500.00 and is a charitable tax deductible donation.

Exposed Colony

So, where do we start. Bee For Life Foundation is operated by State Registered Apiarist (Beekeepers). We have been removing / rescuing Feral Honey Bees and Bumblebees for over ten years and going.

All the bees we remove / rescue are taken to one of our four pollinator sanctuaries in Texas. Which reminds me, if you or someone you know, have a bit of land they can donate we would love to put a pollinator sanctuary in Lubbock.

One of our Bee Yards

Managed Honey Bee colony populations are down 42% due to this insane drought. Honey Bees have to stop collecting stores and collect water to cool their hive.

That is the reason you’ve been seeing Honey Bees at your pools, watering troughs and other places where bees can collect water.

Lubbock Tx Bee Removal
Bees under the floor of a play house.

Feral Honey Bees can get into a lot of strange places, all they need is five liters of air space and they’ll call it home. Although it might seem desirable and harmless at the beginning, they will become a problem with time.

When you first notice Honey Bees flying in a straight line into some sort of cavity, that’s the time to act. Call us at (325) 201-8237

 Bee Removal Lubbock Tx
Bee Removal Lubbock Tx

We use thermal imaging to locate their nest, thereby mitigating unnecessary cuts. After the cavity is opened, we capture the Queen and the workers, and the comb is also removed. We then close the cavity up with the piece that was removed, if it is in tact. No finish work at this time.

Saving Feral Honey Bees and Bumblebees is a great start to a sustainable future.