Planting For Pollinators

Crepe Myrtles For Bees

One of our most liked summer flowering tree is the Crepe Myrtle. Looking  to incorporate Crepe Myrtles For Bees in your landscape?

Crepe Myrtles For Bees
Crepe Myrtles For Bees

Lagerstroemia, named after Magnus von Lagerström. Better known as the Crepe Myrtle, a beautiful summertime bloomer that attracts many pollinators. In the South this tree provides nectar and pollen at a time when nothing else is in bloom.

We call this the Summer Dearth (a scarcity). Many insect pollinators would starve this time of year without flowering plants or gas station trashcans.

Crepe Myrtles For Bees

One way a non beekeeper can recognize a dearth is when hundreds of honey bees converge on gas station and home trashcans. Pollinators are looking for simple carbs and there are no plants blooming.

Anyway, Crepe Myrtles bloom from early summer to the first frost which fills the nectar gap in our local plant species. A great choice for anyone wanting a pollinator landscape.

Crepe Myrtles For Bees
Crepe Myrtles For Bees

Not a native plant to America, Crepe Myrtle are native to parts of Oceania, northern Australia, southeast Asia and India. Found in Southern United State in municipalities landscapes.

Crepe Myrtles come in many different colors and are tolerant of most soil types. Crape Myrtles prefer full sunlight, but can handle some shade.

Crepe Myrtles For Bees

Although Crepe Myrtles are champions of the South’s brutal summers, The great Texas freeze killed quite a few exposed trees. Including Crepe Myrtles.

There is a lot of misinformation on the net about bees only working the White Crepe Myrtle. Simply not true, I have personally seen all sorts of bees sucking the flowers dry on all colors of Crepe Myrtles.

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Image by huey3800 from Pixabay

Quick tips for Crepe Myrtle care. They don’t need much, just some fish emulsion once a month. that’ll get em growing fast. Also, cut the suckers off. To continue the bloom just cut the seed heads off.