Pollinator News 2022

Native Pollinator Decline Causes

Latest in pollinator declines Native Pollinator Decline Causes by Bee For Life Foundation


It’s all over the news, if you’re paying attention, native and invasive bees are dying out. California courts ruled to protect four native bee species to try to curb their declines.

Seven other native bees were added to Endangered species list. The Anthricinan yellow-faced bee along with six other Hawaiian Hylaeus species.

Native Pollinator Decline Causes
Hylaeus spp. Photo by Steve Buchanan

Another native bee species on the United States Endangered Species List is the Rusty Patched Bumblebee. But why are these native bee and Honey Bee populations tumbling?

Urbanization of our rural areas, mono culture farming, and climate change are all part of the declines. Yet, in my opinion it’s the all out attack against the mosquito.

Native Pollinator Decline Causes
Native Pollinator Decline Causes

Yep, the Mosquito has struck fear in the hearts of Americans. So much that we are willing to wipe out all pollinators so we can hang out in our backyards at dusk.

Mosquitos are pollinators, both male and female. Only the female feeds on blood when she is ready to lay eggs. Which by the way, are dropped into water by the thousands, of which fish eat most.

Native Pollinator Decline Causes
Native Pollinator Decline Causes

What pest control does not know, or maybe they do, is that the spray they use is formulated to attract pollinators, all of them.

Essential oils used to con the mosquitos to the poison also calls other flying pollinators to their deaths. Yes, I’m speaking about those dudes that spray peoples yards and open flowers with permethrin

Permethrin means certain death to all insects that touch it.

Help us protect all pollinators!