Planting For Pollinators

Saving Bees With Vitex

It’s summer and Honey Bees are all over the trash cans, it’s dearth time in Texas. Saving Bees With Vitex, if planted enough, could keep bees out of trash cans.


written by Bee For Life Foundation

Bee For Life Foundation gets hammered with calls about bees out of control . Honey Bees are swarming drink and shaved ice stands all across the State.

Dearth time (the time of the year when there are no blooms) is the middle of July to early September, a period when hardly any native plants are in bloom. Desperate for carbohydrates, the Honey Bees are attracted to any source, mostly dumpsters and trash cans.

Saving Bees With Vitex
Saving Bees With Vitex

But the Vitex Tree will fill that gap. I mean, just look at those alluring pollen and nectar rich Purple flowers. This tree is going to bee loaded. Lol

Vitex is not just for Honey Bees, this small tree provides nutrition for many other invertebrates. Bumblebees, Sweat Bees and a multitude of Butterflies, including Monarchs, also frequent this tree.

Saving Bees With Vitex
Saving Bees With Vitex

Vitex (Agnus-castus) is also known as Texas Lilac, Chaste Tree, Monk’s Berry, Monk’s pepper, Lilac Chaste Tree, Chaste Berry, Lavender Tree and Abraham’s Balm.

Family Lamiaceae and Order of Lamiales, Vitex is native to the Mediterranean region. It’s sub-tropical origin makes it a wonderful addition to Zones 6 through 9.

Saving Bees With Vitex
Saving Bees With Vitex

Vitex also has many health benefits, especially for Women’s health. Vitex Tree’s are definitely a great choice to consider planting.

Bee for Life Foundation is Dedicated to Saving our Pollinators through preserving and building Natural Habitats where they will thrive, and educating others about the Bees and other Pollinators needs.