Pollinator News 2022

Crazy California Fish Story

Sounds it bit fishy to me, but let’s go with it! Crazy California Fish Story

Crazy California Fish Story
Crazy California Fish Story

This is kinda a fun story, of course bees are not fish. Yet, the State of California in a conservation effort has judged that bees are fish.

California fish and game received a court ruling that four species of bumblebees were Invertebrates.

Invertebrates definition:

Animals such as insects, worms, mollusks and stuff like jelly fish that have no backbone / spine.

Crazy California Fish Story
Crazy California Fish Story

California’s ruling makes it possible to list some of California most endangered pollinators to be listed endangered and protected by the California Endangered Species Act.

Okay, I get it, Bumblebees are not fish. Yet, expanding the definition of fish to include Bumblebees makes them eligible for better protection.

Crazy California Fish Story
Crazy California Fish Story

Keep in mind that eighty percent of all terrestrial life on Earth are flowering plants that need pollinators. Flying insects are the right pollinator for the job.

Dr. Glouson, University of Sussex did a study on flying insects back in 2012, his findings were astounding. His research show a seventy five percent decline in flying insect populations.

Crazy California Fish Story

It’s an apocalyptic type scenario that our pollinator population are falling so quickly. Think about it, not only is the drought, gas prices, and inflation killing our food supply, but this will definitely add to it.

How to stop it, first let’s understand that climate change has very little to do with these insect population declines. The cause mosquito joe and the other corp companies that spray everything with pesticides.

Unabated insecticide use in the cities and on farming land is the main culprit. Putting a stop to just these two things would bring endangered insect back.

If you have questions you can email me here.

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Wildflowers of Texas

Curlycup Gumweed (Grindelia Squarrosa)

A Short-Lived Perennial Curlycup Gumweed (Grindelia Squarrosa) pushes out of the ground near the end of July and comes in to bloom mid August.

by: Bee For Life Foundation

Curlycup Gumweed (Grindelia Squarrosa)
Curlycup Gumweed (Grindelia Squarrosa)

Preferring dry, disturbed and overgrazed pastures, Curlycup gumweed will take advantage of barren and moist areas as well.

Forming pure stands in waste places, depleted rangelands along roadsides and railroad tracts. Thriving in drought conditions from seaside to 8,ooo feet in elevation.

Curlycup Gumweed (Grindelia Squarrosa)
Curlycup Gumweed (Grindelia Squarrosa)

Curlycup Gumweed is unpalatable to livestock due to the high amounts of tannins, resin and volatile oils. Yet, this weed / wildflower provides many benefits for both Humans and Insects.

Marking the start of our Fall nectar flow Curlycup Gumweed provides protein and carbohydrates which is needed by all bees to stay strong through Winter. Curlycup’s gummy resin is full of anti-microbial Turpenes used by Honey bees to create Propolis.

Curlycup Gumweed (Grindelia Squarrosa)
Curlycup Gumweed (Grindelia Squarrosa)

Human health benefits of Grindelia Squarrosa

Educational information, always consult your Doctor before using Gumweed!

American Indians would collect the leaves and flowering heads, these would be dried and made into a strong tea. This tea was used for many types of Lung problems.

Gumweed protects the Lungs and is an expectorant helping to clear the lungs of infections. It is also known the the medical community for it’s ability to relieve asthma while reducing swelling of the lungs.

Curlycup gumweed resin was also used to treat raw skin and saddle sores by Native American Indians.

Curlycup gumweed was known for it’s health benefits by early American settlers and is still being study by many Universities in North America.

Such a wonderful weed that can be used for health and healing by both Insect and Human. The next time you see it, get you some of the flower heads just in case COVID- 19 shows it’s ugly head.